Pop Up Store Paris

PopUpStoreParis.com Community
Personnes qui par leur glamour, leur savoir-faire ou leur conaissances

ont contribués au rayonnement des Cremeries de Paris / VB.com
Thanks to their Glamour, know-how and knowledge
these people contributed to the magic of Cremerie de Paris.

Type your research (city or country)

People's name Event
Gerald Acourt Any d'Avray
Sami Addala Subway
Jordan Akapo Bazarapagne
Lodia Akapo Bazarapagne
Vadu Amka Final Fantasy
Andrey Andreev Badoo
Félix Arguillere Siemens
Buzz Aldrin,
US Army pilot, co-pilot with Neil Armstrong on the
first flight to the Moon,
friend of Aiméee de Heeren, friend of Cremerie de Paris,
influenced the invention of the Phone Book of the World.
Buzz Aldrin

Cybercafe years
Amixem (Youtuber) Fanta
Lucie Amossé (Production Design) Nike
Sissi / Elisabeth of Austria,
cousin of Louis II of Bavaria,
2x great aunt of Johannes Thurn & Taxis
Sissi knew about Cremerie de Paris from
Louis II of Bavaria.
She visited with her sister Mathilde.
Francois Bailhache
Cremerie at the foodmarket
Jonas Babin (Baraka) Chivas
Sirobska Baca (Video Maker) Coca Cola - Just Eat - Sonos
Melanie Bacquet (Cheffe de project) Final Fantasy XIV
Sebastien Badault - Ali Express
Sohane Bahi (Assistante cheffe de projet) Final Fantasy XIV
François Bailhache (chef / Amazing Events Paris) Francois Bailhache
Maio Balotelli (Actor) Nike
Victor Baltard,
architect of the Pavillons Baltard, advisor of Empress Eugenie
Baptiste Baradat (PYT Paris) Badoo
Carla de Barros and M.D. from the Extreme Agency Siemens - - Starbucks
Louis 2 of Bavaria,
king, imagined fairy tale castles,
admiror of Louis XIV
and of Cremerie de Paris,
grandson of Louis I of Bavaria,
godchild of Louis XVI,
friend of Paul Thurn & Taxis
3 x great uncle of some children that come to visit
Cremerie de Paris every time they are in Paris
Buzz Aldrin
Alexander Bell,
inventor of the phone, inventor,
patron of many young inventors,
friend of Aimee de Heeren,
visitor of Cremerie de Paris
Yuri Belov Racer World Wide
David Aaron Benali (Cremerie Video Conceptor and Manager) Nude Project - Siemens
Stephane Bergny (Extreme Agency) Siemens - Starbucks
Emile Bernard,
friend of Eugene Boch and Vincent van Gogh, visitor of Cremerie de Paris
Jonothan Birkett Crumpler
Eugene Boch, impressionist painter,
young brother of Anna Boch,
nephew of Octavie Villeroy,
3x great uncle of Cremerie de Paris,
friend of Vincent van Gogh and Emile Bernard,
loved to show Cremerie de Paris to his friends
Claire Bodard Claire Bodard
Arnaud Bontemps (Wild Buzz Agency) Sonos
Anna Morales Bou Nude Project
Julien Bouaziz (Brainwash Agency) Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy XIV
Rayyan Boulahbaq (Assembly Technician) Subway
Hugo le Bozec (Wild Buzz Agency) Sonos
Clemence Eon (Pernod Ricard) Chivas
Esteban Bribes (Monteur) Coca Cola
Aurélien Brillais (Deco) Palladium
Alexandre Cabaret (Agency Together) Real Me
Mathilde Campion (Event creator) Mathilde Campion
Manuel Conejo (Founder) Adopte Un Mec
Bruno Casanovas Nude Project
Coco Chanel, designer
girlfriend of Dmitri Romanov, friend of Aimée de Heeren,
loved Cremerie de Paris,
left a little jewel that maed it possible to reopen
Chanel - No5 -
little jewel
Benjamin Chassagne (Artist) Siemens
Sandra Chassan Subway
Samir Cherraben Sakamoto Days
Dolly Cohen (Whiskey Bottle Design) Chivas
Naeli Cohen (Nino Agency) Pop Corn Nation
Lily Collins (Actress) Emily in Paris - Pop Corn Nation
Scott Corbet (Ad Director) Nike
Florian Couminal - Nestle Extrême - Utopic Design
Maxime Louis Courcier (Scenograph) Real Me
Thibault Couture (Pernod Ricard) Chivas
Eliot Covemaeker (Warning Up) OnePlus
Laetitia Crampe (Extreme Agency) Siemens - Starbucks
Pierre Croce (Youtuber) Fanta
Xavier de la Croix Casio
Pierre-Alexandre Dagba (Artist) Siemens
Victor Daussy (Mnstr Agency) Chivas
Tania Demayo, Pop Up Store Designer (Nino Agency) Tania Demayo
Ali Express -
Pop Corn Nation - Weight Watchers
Jonathan Dekeyser / Dek (Montage & Storage) Final Fantasy XIV
Kevin Delafosse Sony Playstation
Gloria Demayo (Nino Agency) Pop Corn Nation
Kirikoo Des (Music) Casio
Quentin Deschamps Lapointe (Agency Togaether) Real Me
Lady Diana,
visitor of Cremerie de Paris
when it restarted as a small Sony Phone Boutique
Lyess Djouder (Agence Share Client) Amika x Sephora
Lois Driggs Cannon Aldrin,
wife of Buzz Aldrin,
friend of Cremerie de Paris
discovered Cremerie during our Cybercafe de Paris years
Marine Dubreuil (Agence L'Uzyne) Nestle Extrême
Ophely Dufleide (sales Son-Video.com) Sonos
Theo Durand (Fashion Consultant and Event Planner) Nude Project - Racer World Wide
Audrey Emmanuelle Real Me
Laurent Estrany (Agence L'Uzyne) Nestle Extrême
Fakir Design Final Fantasy
Laura Fantoni Nestle Extrême
Gregory Ferembach (Art Director) Nike
Germain Ferey (video Making Of) Acer - Any d'Avray
Sebastien Floquet - Régisseur / Monteur Fanta
Farreh Fouad (Naythero) Final Fantasy
Julie François (Agence Parade) Brooks - Palladium
Nicolas Fretelliere (Goodkids Agency) Badoo
Julie Furie (Video game champion) Acer - League of Legends
Isabelle Gadonna (Agence L'Uzyne) Nestle Extrême
Marie Helene Gallet (Atelier Nils Rousset) Decorator Amazon
Gabriel Gaultier (Creative Director) Nike
Thomas Gauthier (Glenat) Sakamoto Days
Dmitri Gerasimov (Fashion Designer) Racer World Wide
Louis Govindin (Media Monks Agency) Sony PlayStation
Elodie Grinmal Sony Playstation
Rémi Grosson Siemens
Clarisse Guerin, Pop Up Store Coordinator Amika x Sephora
Valentin Guermeur Organisateur Fanta
Aurélien Guilbert (Utopic Design) Nestle Extrême
Victoire Guillaumet (Audiance - Mnstr Agency) Nike - Chivas
Lea Guilleminot (Goodkids Agency) Badoo
Aimee de Heeren
(WW2 secret service agent, resistant, fashion icon,
got a little jewel that made it possible to reopen,
Cremerie de Paris,
friend of Alexander Bell,
friend of Joe Kennedy Jr,
friend of Coco Chanel
friend of Cremerie de Paris
Henri IV, 1st Bourbon King of France,
grandson of Marguerite de Navarre, grandfather of Louis XIV and Philippe d'Orleans
Juliette Herbelin (Wild Buzz Agency) Sonos
Thierry Hermes,
founder of Hermes,
came to Cremerie de Paris
during the last years of the Pavillon des Drapiers
and the first years of the Cremerie Milk Store
Seyli Hopes (Art director) Crumpler
Lisa Hugnet Pop Corn Nation
Kikuo Ibe (Inventor) Casio
Satoko Inaba Sakamoto Days
Nicolas Jacqueman (Photographer) Real Me
Andriana Jankovska (Pop Up Advisor) Nude Project
Jimmy, Youtuber Fanta
Julie Joie, event organister Amazon
Joe Kennedy Jr (boyfriend of Aimée de Heeren,
older brother of JFK, US soldier, died for the libration of France,
loved the fairytales around Cremerie de Paris)
Joe Kennedy Jr
Sanghon Kim (Illustrator) Nike
Begengère Krief Adopte Un Mec
Julien Labro (Murs de Led) Subway
Adrien Lachapelle (Video AC3 Studio) Siemens
Nora Laggoune Palladium
Anthony Lastella (Youtuber) Fanta
Chantal Lauby Adopte Un Mec
Luc Laumand (Utopic Design) Nestle Extrême
Maxime Le Toquin (Goodkids Agency) Badoo
Anthony Leca (Audiance) Nike
Louis XIV,
3rd Bourbon King,
school student of Nicolas V de Villeroy, grandson of Henri IV,
2 x great grandson of Marguerite de Navarre
spend part of his childhood
at Cremerie de Paris,
key person in the Cremerie de Paris legends
Louis XIV child
Florent Le Morvan (Atelier La Fabrik) Fanta
Yohan Le Breton Siemens
Adrien Lebon outstanding event organiser Fanta
Alexandre Lecler (Square Enix France) Final Fantasy XIV
Hugo Lefebvre Siemens
Benjamin Legris (FX / CG Artist) Siemens
Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu (Actress) Emily in Paris
Yann Lescure Final Fantasy XIV
Francois Linh Hoang (Brainwash Agency) Sakamoto Days - Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy XIV
Kader Loiati (sales Son-Video.com) Sonos
Clara Luciani (singer) Amazon
Annelise Mangin Casio
Antoine Marty-Ané Sonos France
Severine Moitry (Havas Events) Fanta
Rebecca Markowicz Acer
Camille Martinez Sony PlayStation
Alex Mascelli (Ave-Deco) Subway
Fabrice Massin Acer
Juninchi Masuda,
music composer, coinventor of the Pokemon, inventor of Pokemon-Go,
inspired by Igor Stravinski
part of the Pokemon Pop Up Store
Pokemon -
Yuichi Masuda Casio
Karam Ben Mehrez Subway
Christophe Mery Adopte Un Mec
Pascal Montary (Video AC3 Studio) Siemens
Eugénie de Montijo / Empress Eugénie,
wife of Napoleon III,
chief designer of the Pavillons Baltard,
loved the fairytales around Cremerie de Paris and transmitted them to Alix Hessen / Alexandra Feodorovna,
mother of Anastasia and Alexei Romanov,
aunt of Dmitri Romanov, Carl and Friederike Solms
Akio Morita
Romain Mussault Real Me
Naythero (Artist) Final Fantasy
Henri Nestle,
founder of Nestle,
fan of Cremerie de Paris and les Pavillons Baltard,
offered a copy of a Pavillon Baltard to his hometown Montreux
Nestle Extrême
Lea Noehser Final Fantasy XIV
Alexis Nonet (Editor) Coca Cola
Ajmal Noorahamad Real Me
Catherine North,
fashion PR Lady
UGG - Palladium
Philippe d'Orléans,
brother of Louis XIV,
2 x great gandson of Marguerite de Navarre,
7 x great grandfather of Memo von Sachsen
Oskunk Final Fantasy
Sofiana Oz Pop Corn Nation
Nicolas Paciello (the Chef) Siemens
Ashley Park, actress Emily in Paris
Lucille Pateau (Mnstr Agency) Chivas
Javier Pastore (Actor) Nike
Alexi Pavlov, photographer Coca Cola
Stephanie Perret (Stage manager) Netflix
Elodie Péribère Coca Cola
Jean Rémy Perot Siemens
Arnaud Petit (Sound - Arthi Eclairage) Nike - Palladium - Chivas
Thibault Petit (Deco) Nike
Maya Philip (Atelier La Fabrik) Fanta
Patrick Phuong Final Fantasy
Audrey Pirault, youtuber Fanta
Laura Potron (Organisation Pop Up & blog) Nike
Jon Postel, scientist,
inventor of dot com,
friend of Cremerie de Paris
Quang Prasasoukh (Operations manager) Fanta
Clement Praslin Niviere (Media Monks Agency) Sony PlayStation
Flore Prat (Cocktail) Final Fantasy
Mathilde Prefol Sakamoto Days
John Rachid, youtuber Fanta
Loic Radafy (Stage manager) Chivas
Vincent Remond (Deco) Chivas
Anton Reva (Paintings) Racer World Wide
Julie Richard Amazon
Xacier Rielland Acer
Guillaume Rioufol Nike
Thomas Roenelle (L'Uzyne agency) Nestle Extrême
Dmitri Romanov,
great uncle of Cremerie de Paris, cousin of Anastasia Romanov, Alexei Romanov, Carl Solms, Friederike Solms,
transmitted the Cremerie fairytales to Coco Chanel,
designer of the CC logo,
co-inventor of N°5
Alexei Romanov
Anastasia Romanov
Romain (Friiday agency) Coca Cola
Nadine Rosa Crumpler
Yacine Rouissi (Friiday agency) Coca Cola
Zyad Rouissi Mathilde Campion
Subway 1 - Coca Cola - Subway 2
Olivia Rutherford (photographer) Amazon
Memo von Sachsen,
modern art expert, architect
11 great grandson of Marguerite de Navarre,
7 x great grandson of Anselm Franz von Thurn & Taxis, friend and history teacher of Cremerie de Paris
Rudolphe Saint-Drenant (Training) Sonos
Mamadou Sakho (Actor) Nike
Lisa Salati (Nino Agency) Pop Corn Nation
Neyla Mamouk Sanchez Subway
Andrea San Martin OnePlus
Jordan Saxemard Sonos
Caroline Segarra Sakamoto Days
Ingrid Sikotty Badoo
Jose Simo (Store Designer) Nude Project
Camille Sparfel Ruault Coca Cola
Darren Starr,
film producer
Emily in Paris
Florent Steiner (Founder) Adopte Un Mec
Igor Stravinsky,
music composer,
friend of Coco Chanel,
inspiration for Junichi Masuda,
came to Cremerie de Paris with Chanel
Julien Tanneau Pop Corn Nation
Mohamed Taoui (Assistant Director) Subway
Frédéric Terranova Lighting
Thérèse Thomas, historian, museum curator,
educated Cremerie de Paris on it's connection
to Impressionist and Post Impressionis Painters
lika Anna Boch, Eugène Boch, Vincent van Gogh
Anselm Franz,
2nd Prince of Thurn & Taxis,
Postmaster General of the T&T Post, muse / logo of the
Julie Thomas Sony PlayStation
Alec Thorne (Square Enix Merchandise) Final Fantasy XIV
Daria Thurn & Taxis,
friend of Cremerie de Paris, inspiration for the
Whitepages project
Johannes Thurn & Taxis
11th Prince of Thurn & Taxis,
friend of Cremerie de Paris,
initiated the Return of the Cremerie de Paris / VB Story with some Thalers
inherited from Anselm Franz and the other Thurn & Taxis Postmasters
Paul Thurn & Taxis,
friend of Louis 2 of Bavaria, knew about Cremerie de Paris
from Louis 2 and
his father Maximilan Karl, 6th Prince Thurn Taxis and last Postmaster
Thyrrus (Artist) Final Fantasy
Manuel Tocanne (Goodkids Agency) Badoo
Maria Toenisberg (PR Manager) Racer World Wide
Aminata Touré (director) Emily in Paris
Tsuchinoko Final Fantasy
Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh
Anais Vermet (Warning Up) OnePlus
Thibaud Vezirian (Columnist) Adopte Un Mec
Rosalia Vila Tobela,
singer, muse of the Coca Cola x Rosalia Pop Up Store
Coca Cola
Roman de Villeneuve (Project Manager) Siemens
Nicolas II de Villeroy
Nicolas IV de Villeroy
Nicolas V de Villeroy
Remi Vincent (Media Monks Agency) Sony PlayStation
Simon Vuillermoz (L'Uzyne agency) Nestle Extrême
Mafalda Waldburg, student, actress in the Sonos Video Sonos
Juliette Watkin (Sales) Chivas
Martin West OnePlus
Loic Wissler (L'Uzyne agency) Nestle Extrême
Peggy Yeung Real Me
Mihhail Zigadlo (Founder) Racer World Wide
Jiali Zhao Ali Express
Nicolas Zuber (Sound Design) Siemens


Bientôt disponible

Coming Soon

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No1 - 9-11 rue des Déchargeurs
(Hôtel de Villeroy Bourbon / VB)
+ No2, No3 - 11 rue des Halles
+ No6, No7, No8 - 12 rue de la Ferronnerie
+ No9 - 45 rue Saint-Honoré

all around Margerite de Navarre
75001 Paris, France.

phone: +33 1 42 21 11 11
mail: b "at" vb.com
instagram @cremeriedeparisofficial
Metro ChateletlesHalles.com/sortie1

Cremerie de Paris.com
Pop Up Store Museum.com

1986 Pop Up Store Paris.com
started at the small Cremerie de Paris No2,
a former milk store of the Les Halles food market,
located 50 m from "VB",
the legendary Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon
once the school of young Louis XIV
and later seat of the Royal French Postal Services.

No2 began as a small Sony Phone Boutique,
nobody was over 20
but something had a mysterious attraction
on Sony Lovers, audio visual people,
actors, film makers, Lady Diana.

1993 With the help of a little jewel
it became possible to acquire No1 at "VB".

1995 Not yet a Pop Up location,
No1 turned into an avant-garde Internet café.
So avant-garde it was difficult to survive.
Parisian Hotels had no internet access.
The only visitors were a few,
already connected tourists from America.
They brought good energy with them.

One was the inventor of ".com"
Meeting Jon Postel resulted in the idea
to collect spectacular internet domains.
No other Pop Up location in the World
has a "Two Letter dot com".
Today VB.com
and thousands of other iconic web addresses
ventillate the magic of Paris
and the beauty of our Pop Ups Stores
around the globe.
Our Paris Pop Ups are on the cover of the
Whitepages from many countries.
Once a Pop Up leaves Cremerie de Paris / VB.com
it starts to shine around the World ...

Another visitor was on the first flight to the Moon.
The Apollo 11 Astronaut became a friend.
He was fascinated by all the history behind VB
and inspired us to create the

Phone Book of the World.com
soon followed by

Steve Jobs offered us an iMac
so Apple would be part of the cafe.

Other visitors were still very young.
Many came with a "backpack".
Nobody knew who they were,
maybe they did not know it themselves ... ?
Today they return with a "Pop Up"
for a company they have invented in the meantime,
turning Cremerie de Paris / VB.com into a
"Meeting Place of the World's most famous Brands".

2012-2018 was constructed "Marguerite de Navarre",
the main exit of the Chatelet les Halles Metro hub.
The construction took so long
times were difficult again.
Today our Pop Up Stores are ony 30 min from CDG and Orly Airport.

1530s Marguerite already knew VB.
She was a friend of Nicolas II de Villeroy.
Another friend was Leonardo da Vinci.
It remains a mystery if the painter of the Mona Lisa has come by,
all we know is that Leonardo and Marguerite's brother
Francois Ier admired VB for its glamour.

Marguerite became the grandmother of the Bourbons.
1590-1610 Nicolas IV de Villeroy
was an advisor of Marguerite's grandson,
Henri IV, the first Bourbon King.
1646 2 x great grandson Louis XIV,
the third Bourbon King,
came to VB as a schoolboy.

1671 VB turned into the seat of an avant-garde Technology Hotspot,
seat of the Royal Postal Services.
Post horses carried mail around Europe.
Louis XIV loved VB for it's efficienty.
1738 The Story came to an end with Louis XV.

248 years later, 1986, a 7 x great grandson
of the old postmasters
showed us VB.
He gave us a "Post Thaler",
left by his ancesters, with the mission to reactivate
"Spirit of Communications"
sleeping in the old walls of VB.

1886 Vincent van Gogh passed by.
It's possible he run into Henry Nestle
or Gustave Eiffel without realising it.
Van Gogh loved all the magic
around Cremerie de Paris
transmitted by his friend Eugène Boch,
a nephew of Octavie Villeroy.

1921 Dmitri Romanov showed Cremerie de Paris
to Coco Chanel. She fell in Love with both
Romanov and Cremerie de Paris.
What is left from their affair is No5
the CC logo and a little jewel.
1970 Chanel left the jewel to Aimée de Heeren,
once a WW2 agent and girlfriend of Joe Kennedy Jr.
1993 Chanel's little jewel, already mentionned above,
made it possible to reopen No1
as if the designer,
that had left this world two decades before,
had decided to continue the story.

A Story that left
and a Story that returned ...

Cremerie de Paris / VB is like
an "Open History Book",
glamorous since 1129,
with new chapters opening
each time an iconic new Pop Up Store arrives ...

The World has thousands and thousands of nice Pop Up Store Locations
but no other one
has a Two Letter Internet address
that stands out on every computer keyboard ...

VB for "Villeroy Bourbon" or
"Very Beautiful"