Pop Up Store Paris

Pop Up Restaurant Sodexo
at Cremerie de Paris No1

Pop Up Store Sodexo

Pop Up Store Sogeres

2001 Sogeres rejoint le grouge Sodexo qui a été créé en 1964 par Pierre Bellon.
18ème employeur mondial Sodexo est un des plus gros fournisseurs de restauration collective au monde.
L'origine de Sodexo était une petite entreprise Marsaillaise,
JP Bellon qui était specialisé dans l'approvisionnement en vivres des bateaux
de la Companie de navigation mixte reliant la France à l'Afrique du Nord.
Avec ce background familial le petit-fils Pierre a créé SODEXHO
(acronyme abrégé de SOciété D'EXploitation HOtelière).
Le capital de départ était 100.000 francs.
La société se spécialise dans la préparation des repas sur place.
Passionné par le développement d'entreprises et installé dans la région Parisienne depuis 1968
la société commence une ascencion époustouflante.

Sogeres est une marque de restauration collective présente
dans les secteurs Entreprise/Administrations, Médical et Scolaire.
En vidéo.

Cremerie de Paris.com
more via Cremerie de Paris.com

26 Mars au 26 Mai 2018


Le Pop Up Restaurant Sodexo continue
à rayonner à travers le Monde ...

The Sodexo Pop Up Restaurant continues
to be seen around the World ...


No1 - 9-11 rue des Déchargeurs
(Hôtel de Villeroy Bourbon / VB)
+ No2, No3 - 11 rue des Halles
+ No6, No7, No8 - 12 rue de la Ferronnerie
+ No9 - 45 rue Saint-Honoré

all around Margerite de Navarre
75001 Paris, France.

phone: +33 1 42 21 11 11
mail: b "at" vb.com
instagram @cremeriedeparisofficial
Metro ChateletlesHalles.com/sortie1

Cremerie de Paris.com
Pop Up Store Museum.com

1986 Pop Up Store Paris.com
started at the small Cremerie de Paris No2,
a former milk store of the Les Halles food market,
located 50 m from "VB",
the legendary Hotel de Villeroy Bourbon
once the school of young Louis XIV
and later seat of the Royal French Postal Services.

No2 began as a small Sony Phone Boutique,
nobody was over 20
but something had a mysterious attraction
on Sony Lovers, audio visual people,
actors, film makers, Lady Diana.

1993 With the help of a little jewel
it became possible to acquire No1 at "VB".

1995 Not yet a Pop Up location,
No1 turned into an avant-garde Internet café.
So avant-garde it was difficult to survive.
Parisian Hotels had no internet access.
The only visitors were a few,
already connected tourists from America.
They brought good energy with them.

One was the inventor of ".com"
Meeting Jon Postel resulted in the idea
to collect internet domains.
No other Pop Up location in the World
has a "Two Letter dot com".
Today VB.com
and thousands of other iconic web addresses
ventillate the beauty of Paris
and it's amazing Pop Ups Stores
around the globe.
The Pop Ups are on the cover of the
Whitepages Brazil, India, Japan.
Once a Pop Up leaves Cremerie de Paris / VB
it starts to shine around the World ...

Another visitor was on the first flight to the Moon.
The Apollo 11 astronaut became a friend.
He was fascinated by all the history behind VB
and inspired us to create the

Phone Book of the World.com
soon followed by

Steve Jobs offered us an iMac
so Apple would be part of the cafe.

Other visitors were still very young.
Many came with a "backpack".
Nobody knew who they were,
maybe they did not know it themselves ... ?
Today they return with a "Pop Up"
for a company they have invented in the meantime,
turning Cremerie de Paris / VB.com into a
"Meeting Place of the World's most famous Brands".

2012-2018 was constructed "Marguerite de Navarre",
the main exit of the Chatelet les Halles Metro hub.
The construction took so long
it was almost impossible to survive.
Today our Pop Up Stores are ony 30 min from CDG and Orly Airport.

1530s Marguerite already knew VB.
She was a friend of Nicolas II de Villeroy.
Another friend was Leonardo da Vinci.
It remains a mystery if the painter of the Mona Lisa has come by,
all we know is that Leonardo and Marguerite's brother
Francois Ier admired VB for its glamour.
Marguerite became the grandmother of the Bourbons.
1590-1610 Nicolas IV de Villeroy
was an advisor of Marguerite's
grandson, Henri IV, the first Bourbon King.
1646 2 x great grandson Louis XIV,
already the third Bourbon King,
came to VB as a schoolboy.

1671 VB turned into the seat of an avant-garde Technology Hotspot,
seat of the Royal Postal Services.
Post horses carried mail around Europe.
Louis XIV loved VB for it's efficienty.
1738 The Story came to an end with Louis XV.

248 years later, 1986, a 7 x great grandson
of the old postmasters
showed us VB.
He gave us a "Post Thaler",
left by his ancesters, with the mission to reactivate
"Spirit of Communications"
sleeping in the old walls of VB.

1886 Vincent van Gogh passed by.
It's possible he run into Henry Nestle
or Gustave Eiffel without realising it.
Van Gogh loved all the magic
around Cremerie de Paris
transmitted by his friend Eugène Boch,
a nephew of Octavie Villeroy.

1921 Dmitri Romanov showed Cremerie de Paris
to Coco Chanel. She fell in Love with both
Romanov and Cremerie de Paris.
What is left from their affair is No5
the CC logo and a little jewel.
1970 Chanel left the jewel to Aimée de Heeren,
once a WW2 agent and girlfriend of Joe Kennedy Jr.
1993 Chanel's little jewel, already mentionned above,
made it possible to reopen No1
as if the designer,
that had left this world two decades before,
had decided to continue the story.

A Story that left
and a Story that returned ...

Cremerie de Paris / VB is like
an "Open History Book",
glamorous since 1129,
with new chapters opening
each time an iconic new Pop Up Store arrives ...